PRP Hair Restoration


Our Platelet Rich Plasma treatment for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment used to trigger natural hair growth and maintain it for extended periods of time. Our PRP Hair Restoration is the safest and most effective way of reversing the appearance of hair loss and stimulating new follicle growth. 

  • Promote healthier hair follicles
  • Increase hair thickness
  • Stimulate hair growth
  • Help treat Alopecia


How does PRP Hair Restoration work?

Platelet Rich P Hair Restoration works by using your body’s own platelets. A Registered Nurse will start the procedure by first drawing your blood and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the good platelets, bad platelets, and red blood cells. The good platelets contain growth factors which stimulate the regeneration of tissue that aid in the hair growth. The good platelets are then put into a syringe and injected into different areas on the scalp.

What can you expect with PRP Hair Restoration?

We require you to arrive 30-minutes before your scheduled appointment so your medical professional may also capture photographs of the soon-to-be treated area(s).

During this procedure only a small amount of blood is drawn in an effort to have only minimal discomfort. Our hair restoration procedure does not require any downtime or recovery. Our patients have seen significant growth and have achieved great success with the assistance of PRP. Other hair loss treatments, such as hair transplants, pills and topical creams can be costly with a much lower success rate. Our PRP hair restoration procedure is safe, cost-effective and has proven results.  

What are the pre-care instructions?

  • Avoid blood-thinner medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, and Aleve for one week before treatment
  • Avoid supplements like garlic, ginseng, and Vitamin E for one week before treatment
  • Avoid topical retinol products and glycolic acid products for two days prior
  • Do not wax, bleach, tweeze or use any other hair removal method on the treatment area for two days prior
  • Avoid alcohol for at least 24-hours prior 

How do I know I am a good candidate for PRP Hair Restoration? 

A good candidate for our PRP Hair Restoration procedure is essentially anyone who is experiencing hair loss, however those with early hair loss have shown most optimal results.

How many sessions of PRP Hair Restoration would I need?

Our hair restoration procedure is a 3 step process and in most cases requires multiple treatments over several months spaced 4-6 weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are then required every 4-6 months.

How long will PRP Hair Restoration results last? 

While the results from PRP are not permanent, they can last up to 18 months. Patients may need a follow-up treatment once a year depending on the client’s results.

How long do PRP Hair Restoration treatments take?

Treatment time depends on the area being treated and the amount of syringes that will be used. Total treatment time can last up to 90 minutes. 

Is PRP Hair Restoration safe? 

This treatment is completely safe and FDA approved. 

What are the side effects of PRP Hair Restoration? 

Because our hair restoration treatment uses your own blood components, there are few risks of a reaction to the solution itself.

Are there any PRP Hair Restoration after-care instructions?

There is no downtime associated with the PRP Hair Restoration treatment and you can resume your day as normal immediately following treatment. After a few hours patients can style, shower and even shampoo their hair if they wish to.