What do the Platelet Rich Fibrin Injections do?

Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is a fibrin matrix comprised of platelet cytokines, growth factors, and cells used to help promote regeneration, which helps rejuvenate the skin, fight early signs of aging, and add volume to under-eyes, cheeks and also scalp for hair restoration.

What are ways that I can incorporate PRF Injections into my dr LASER Skin Plan?
Platelet Rich Fibrin Injections are a great alternative to Under-Eye Filler, Nasal Labia Fold Filler & more!
You can upgrade your PRP Hair Restoration with PRF Injections.

Pro Tip:

Schedule your PRF Injections immediately after a Microneedling Session for minimal downtime!

What Areas Can Be Treated With PRF Injections?
  • The Under-Eyes
  • The Nasal Labia Folds
  • The Cheeks
  • The Scalp
Can PRF Injections reduce signs of aging? 
Yes, it can offer benefits if you’re looking to refresh your skin. This treatment can tighten wrinkles, smooth out fine lines, and boost collagen. 
What are the PRF Injections pre-care instructions?
  • Avoid blood-thinner medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, Advil, and Aleve for one week before treatment
  • Avoid supplements like garlic, ginseng, and Vitamin E for one week before treatment
  • Avoid topical retinol products and glycolic acid products for two days prior
  • Do not wax, bleach, tweeze or use any other hair removal method to the treatment area for two days prior
  • Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours prior 
Are PRF Injections safe? 
Yes, this treatment is completely safe and FDA approved. 
Are PRF Injections painful?
This treatment requires 30 minutes of topical anesthetic ointment to reduce the pain of the treated area.
What are the side effects of PRF Injections? 
Being injected with Platelet Rich Fibrin can cause bruising, swelling, itchiness and redness within the first 48 hours.
Are there any PRF Injection after-care instructions?
After your treatment, you may experience swelling and bruising within the first 48 hours. Therefore, we require you to avoid intense physical activity for the first 24 to 48 hours to help reduce swelling and bruising. 


Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $250.00.